

OSCR-4 is the robotic culmination of four iterations of fabrication and design.

The main focus of the development of OSCR was to create a situationally aware “humanoid” that is capable of working to assemble complex structures using green materials. Instead of focusing on the already thriving area of factory-based articulated arms, this project looked to create a minimal-cost network of devices, fitted with sophisticated machine vision technology, to assist workers in the field.

OSCR allows for a re-imagination of what brick construction can offer. By creating the opportunity for infinite design possibilities, OSCR allows for difficult, curvilinear designs to be constructed with ease.

Digital fabrication through the use of plastic and metal 3D printers allowed for the rapid prototyping of parts as well as a quick succession of trial iterations for each of the components.

Project Type: Research Group

Role: Designer and Lead Fabricator

Director: Michael Silver