

The wellness of the street begets the wellness of the individual. The wellness of the individual begets the wellness of the street.

Cornerstone, a neighborhood wellness center, accomplishes this by following good urban design practices, like the use of an active façade, obscuration of parking from the street, and the provision of meaningful green space. By accommodating a range of both active and passive uses on the site, one adds vibrancy. When a space is well-designed and creates a dynamic presence on the street, its healthfulness promotes collective neighborhood wellness.

An important aspect of this concept is transparency. By using deep and evenly spaced slats with glass between them, a dynamic sidewalk condition is created. Through the use of a ruled line system, the straight slats rotate gradually, creating the appearance of a curved wall. This curved pattern is emphasized when one is perpendicular to the slats, creating a sense of intrigue.

Project Type: Studio

Role: Designer

Professor: Erika Abbondanzieri